The Prevent duty
The Prevent duty
198. We are subject to a duty under section 26 of the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 (the CTSA 2015), in the exercise of our functions, to have “due regard to the need to prevent people from being terrorists or supporting terrorism ”. This duty is known as the Prevent duty.
199. We see The Prevent duty as part of our wider safeguarding obligation. Our DSL and deputies and other senior leaders are familiar with the revised Prevent duty guidance: for England and Wales, especially paragraphs 141 - 216.
200. As a college/sixth form we will follow the additional guidance: Prevent duty guidance: for further education institutions in England and Wales that applies to colleges.
We will follow the published advice for schools on the Prevent duty.
201. We will follow the published advice for schools on the Prevent duty.
202. We aim to ensure all staff have completed training on the Prevent duty.
203. Channel is voluntary, as a confidential support programme which focuses on providing support at an early stage to people who are identified as being vulnerable to being drawn into terrorism. We will refer to the relevant Channel programme if we are concerned that an individual might be vulnerable to radicalisation. We will always seek the individual’s consent to do so. We will attend and engage with the Channel panel to assist in any assessment.
204. We will follow the Channel guidance.
205. If we feel children are being abused through extremism or being radicalised, we will consult directly with the local police Counter Terrorism Unit (CTU). This is done with a Prevent referral form, following the Prevent flowchart. The referral will be sent to the police. As with all referrals, this referral will be dealt with appropriately with professionals. If it is deemed from the Prevent team that the intervention is not criminal and does not warrant a Channel Panel, but needs local support, we will work with those professional leads for Telford & Wrekin Council. Presently that is Jas Bedesha, The education lead for Telford & Wrekin Council is Joanne Hanslip, Where necessary, the DSL (or a deputy) will consult with the Telford and Wrekin professional lead, education lead or CTU officers: Alison Potts,, or Holly Aungiers,, to seek advice on making prevent referrals.