Millbrook Primary School and Nursery serve a very diverse community which includes families with many different religious backgrounds. We have ensured that the religious backgrounds of all pupils have been taken into account when planning teaching, so that the topics that are included in the core content in this guidance are appropriately handled.
We ensure that our policy and practice, as set out in this document, comply with the relevant provisions of the Equality Act 2010, under which religion or belief are amongst the protected characteristics.
We aim to ensure that school staff have a good understanding of pupils’ faith backgrounds and aim to foster positive relationships between the school and local faith communities to help to create a constructive context for the teaching of these subjects.
We understand that some parents/carers may be apprehensive about the content being taught to their child during RSE, especially if they feel it conflicts with their religious or cultural perspectives. At Millbrook Primary School and Nursery, we want offer assurances to parents and carers that we will always operate in open and transparent ways in relation to the content and delivery of RSE sessions. Parents and carers are welcomed and encouraged to discuss these concerns directly with the headteacher of deputy headteacher.
At Millbrook Primary School and Nursery, teaching reflects the law (including the Equality Act 2010) as it applies to relationships, so that young people clearly understand what the law allows and does not allow, and the wider legal implications of decisions they may make.