Designated Safeguarding Leads
The designated safeguarding lead (DSL)
268. Our governing body has appointed Joanne Edwards to be the DSL of this school and Kirsty Osman, Gill Cowlan, Trish Lowe, Sharon Kaur Uppal, Sian Critcher, Sorcha Elliott and Natalie Tranter to be their deputies. We will set out their responsibilities in their job descriptions.
269. Joanne Edwards will take ultimate responsibility for safeguarding and child protection, and online safety, and understanding the filtering and monitoring systems and processes in place at our setting as the DSL as an appropriate senior member of staff from our leadership team.
270. During term time, the DSL and/or a deputy will always be available (during our normal operating hours) for the staff to discuss any safeguarding concerns with. During out of hours/out of term activities we will provide appropriate cover by ensuring the DSL and/or a deputy is available.
271. Prior to any education visit, a risk assessment will be completed to consider if the DSL (or a deputy) needs to be present. We will always consider how quickly a DSL can respond to a safeguarding issue if they are not present. Where safeguarding concerns are raised during an educational visit the DSL (or a deputy) must be notified immediately, even if they are not physically present at the site of the educational visit. They will liaise with the person responsible for the education visit to manage the concern and refer to the relevant agencies.
272. The DSL and any deputies will undergo two-day ‘newly appointed designated safeguarding lead’ training as recognised by TWSP to provide them with the knowledge and skills required to carry out the role. They will attend one-day ‘designated safeguard lead refresher training’ as recognised by TWSP every two years. In addition to their formal training as set out above, their knowledge and skills will be updated, for example, via Telford & Wrekin Council’s Education Safeguarding e-bulletins, attending termly designated safeguarding lead refreshers and taking time to read and digest safeguarding developments, at regular intervals, and at least annually, to keep up with any developments relevant to their role. We aim to ensure at least one DSL and any deputies attend each termly update. All designated safeguarding leads and any deputies will disseminate training to all relevant staff and governors.
273. The DSL will form part of a borough wide network, where information is shared, in a two-way process, with the Telford & Wrekin Council, Education Safeguarding Team. The DSL maintains an up-to-date knowledge of local learning published by the TWSP and disseminates this learning to staff, leaders and governance as appropriate.
274. They will complete the Safeguarding Audit - Education each year and submit to TWSP. The Safeguarding Audit – Education, will be supplied by the Telford & Wrekin Council Education Safeguarding Team.
T275. he DSL and their deputies will fulfil their role and responsibilities as set out in Annex C KCSIE.