Good Practice
Good Practice – Measures to Encourage and Sustain Good Attendance
10.1 Reintegration of Long-Term Absentees
We recognise the issues that many of our students face within our setting and within their previous school experience. A number of pupils miss long periods of school through sickness, exclusion, school refusal, etc. and may feel especially vulnerable when they do eventually return. It is vital to make the transition back to full-time school as smooth as possible.
Ideally, the return of the long-term absentee needs to be carefully planned but this may not always be possible.
To ease the return of the long-term absentee, we will consider the following:
- nominate a key person to co-ordinate, monitor and review the child’s return
- ensure that all staff are aware of, and alert to, the situation,
- consider the possible need for a phased or gradual return,
- determine what is immediately possible and manageable for the child.
- involve parent/pupil with planning & what support is appropriate
- follow the modified timetable protocol with a structured time line and obtain parents agreement and signature.