Legal Reporting Duties
Our ongoing safeguarding of children and the legal reporting duties on us
402. We understand the importance of safeguarding vigilance beyond the recruitment process.
403. We believe safer recruitment is not just about carrying out the right DBS checks. Similarly safeguarding should not be limited to recruitment procedures. Good safeguarding requires a continuing commitment from our whole community to ensure the safety and welfare of children is embedded in all of our processes and procedures, and consequentially enshrined in our ethos.
404. We aim to promote continuous vigilance, maintaining an environment that deters and prevents abuse and challenges inappropriate behaviour.
405. We aim to create the right culture and environment so that our staff feel comfortable to discuss matters both within, and where it is appropriate, outside of the workplace, which may have implications for the safeguarding of children. This can help assist us as employers to support staff, where there is a need, and help them manage children’s safety and welfare, potentially providing them with information that will help them consider whether there are further measures or changes to procedures that need to be put in place to safeguard children in our care.
406. We will undertake our duty to refer to the Disclosure and Barring Service and to the Teaching Regulation Agency where required.