Managing Difficult Questions
Managing Difficult Questions
Primary-age pupils will often ask their teachers or other adults questions pertaining to sex or sexuality which go beyond what is set out for Relationships and/or Sex Education. Given ease of access to the internet, children whose questions go unanswered may turn to inappropriate sources of information. To avoid this, whilst maintaining appropriateness of content and delivery, pupils are asked to write questions on post-it notes and put them into a box provided by the teacher.
After the lesson, the teacher will review the questions asked by pupils. Teachers should consider what is appropriate and inappropriate to discuss in a whole class setting. Teachers may seek support from the headteacher and deputy headteacher when deciding how and when to answer difficult questions. Depending on the question asked, it may be answered during a whole-class, small group or 1:1 session. Teachers may discuss questions raised with parents and carers so that they can decide if and when they discuss certain topics with their children.
Teachers should always keep lines of communication open with parents and carers, and should act in accordance with the values and aims set out in this policy.