The intent of our Computing curriculum is to provide pupils with life-skills that allow them to flourish in an ever-developing and growing technological world. Children are given the opportunities and actively encouraged to become autonomous learners who take control of their own learning, developing independence and resilience. At the very core of a computing education at Millbrook is creativity, enjoyment and freedom.
Whilst at Millbrook Primary School, children are given the opportunities to explore a progression of skills divided into three clear strands: Information Technology, Computer Science and Digital Literacy. Alongside this, E-safety ties their learning together to shape responsible digital citizens. At Millbrook, mistakes in computing are welcomed, even encouraged, allowing pupils to discover their learning independently.
The National Curriculum provides the basis of our curriculum, providing us with a basis to build a bespoke and well-rounded curriculum. At Millbrook, we use resources from a variety of sources to inform our lessons, such as: NCCE, STEM, iLearn2, Scratch and Barefoot.
In planning our Computing curriculum, we endeavoured to expose pupils at Millbrook to a wide variety of software, programs and equipment so that the curriculum offered allows for a broad scope of challenges and experiences. The subject lead attends termly updates that regularly inform developments of this curriculum.
Medium term plans, designed by the subject lead, are provided to teachers and staff to inform their planning. The curriculum is horizontal (as each year group works on the same core area of Computing each term), providing pupils with an education that revisits previous learning and builds upon prior knowledge with each year that they are a student at Millbrook.
Schemes of work remain flexible, to meet the needs of different cohorts and incorporate develops in the ever-changing sphere of Computing.
The success of our curriculum is assessed through pupil and staff voice, yearly progress data and subject-specific learning walks.
To demonstrate that Computing is taught well, pupils at Millbrook should:
Be enthusiastic about using computing and engaging with technology in a creative, though-provoking way.
Successfully access programming through a variety of coding languages to meet a goal.
Create digital content using a range of software.
Creatively problem solve.
Pupils leave our school with an appreciation for the subject and a desire to further their learning.