Private Fostering
Private fostering
399. We recognise that a private fostering occurs when a child under the age of 16 (under 18, if disabled) is provided with care and accommodation by a person who is not a parent, person with parental responsibility for them or a relative in their own home.
400. A child is not privately fostered if the person caring for and accommodating them has done so for less than 28 days and does not intend to do so for longer. Such arrangements may come to the attention of school staff through the normal course of their interaction, and promotion of learning activities, with children.
401. By law, a parent, private foster carer or other persons involved in making a private fostering arrangement must notify children’s social care as soon as possible. If we become aware of a private fostering arrangement for a student that has not been notified to children’s social care, we will encourage parents and private foster carers to notify them and will share information with children’s social care as appropriate.