Mental Health and Wellbeing
At Millbrook Primary School, we are committed to supporting the health and wellbeing of our pupils and staff to ensure that the school is a community where everyone feels able to thrive.
Positive mental wellbeing is essential if children and young people are to flourish and lead fulfilling lives.
At our school, we know that everyone experiences life challenges that can make us vulnerable and at times anyone may need additional emotional support. We take the view that positive mental health is everybody’s business and that we all have a role to play.
Our role in school is to ensure that children are able to manage times of change and stress, and that they are supported to reach their potential or access help when they need it. Children are taught when to seek help, what help is available, and the likely outcome of seeking support so that they have the confidence and knowledge for themselves or others.
We also have a role to ensure that children learn about what they can do to maintain positive mental health, what affects their mental health and how they can help reduce the stigma surrounding mental health issues.
As part of our targeted provision, we have and continue to access, outside help and support for pupils when required.
Wellbeing Award for Schools
Developed in partnership with the National Children’s Bureau (NCB), the Wellbeing Award for Schools is intended to help schools prepare and equip themselves to promote emotional wellbeing and positive mental health across the whole-school community. The vision is to create an education system where good emotional wellbeing and mental health are at the heart of the culture and ethos of our school, so that our pupils, with the support of their teachers, can build confidence and flourish. Evidence shows us that wellbeing is of central importance to learning and attainment, with high levels of wellbeing associated with improved academic outcomes.
What are the 8 Objectives we are working towards?
The WAS has eight objectives which focus on areas of evaluation, development and celebration of the work of schools in promoting and protecting emotional wellbeing and positive mental health. Each of these areas is further broken down into Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):
Objective 1: The school is committed to promoting and protecting positive emotional wellbeing and mental health by achieving the Wellbeing Award for Schools.
Objective 2: The school has a clear vision and strategy for promoting and protecting emotional wellbeing and mental health, which is communicated to all involved with the school.
Objective 3: The school has a positive culture which regards the emotional wellbeing and mental health as the responsibility of all.
Objective 4: The school actively promotes staff emotional wellbeing and mental health.
Objective 5: The school prioritises professional learning and staff development on emotional wellbeing and mental health.
Objective 6: The school understands the different types of emotional and mental health needs across the whole-school community and has systems in place to respond appropriately.
Objective 7: The school actively seeks the ongoing participation of the whole-school community in its approach to emotional wellbeing and mental health.
Objective 8: The school works in partnerships with other schools, agencies and available specialist services to support emotional wellbeing and mental health.
Click on the links below to see how our school is progressing through this award. You can also share your voice on wellbeing at Millbrook.
Let us know your thoughts
In order to evaluate our current provision, we need your input. Your views are important in helping us understand what we are doing well and how we can do even better.
Please follow the link below to complete the survey.
Thank you!
Evaluation submissions are valid between: 17/09/2024 - 11/10/2024.
If you wish to discuss anything else further then please speak to Mrs Thomas.
Healthy eating resources
Support for parents and carers
Need some inspiration? Here's a list of activities you could do in twenty minutes with your child:
Support for Families
If you or someone you know are in need of support during these difficult times then here are some organisations that can help locally.
T&W Emergency Welfare Crisis Assistance - Tel: 01952 380400
Supporting families across Telford and Wrekin with food parcels, baby essentials, gas and electric support and much more. Follow the link below;
Food Parcels
To make an application for a food parcel call 01952 380 400
T & W Interfaith Council
Food parcels and breakfast boxes for parents to collect or in exceptional circumstances delivered to your door. Apply from the below link;