Stage 2 - First Day Contact
Stage 2 – First Day Contact
Here at Millbrook, we have a robust understanding of our pupils and families.
We have used this knowledge and an agreed criteria to create priority groups which inform a first
day RAG (Red, Amber, Green) tiered response system
The GREEN and AMBER process is as follows:
- on the first morning of an absence, where no contact is received from the parents/carers of an absent pupil we will follow ‘first day contact’ procedures and contact the parent by telephone.
- The expectation for all phone calls to be made and logged on Bromcom for analysis is 10am
- The expectation for text messages to be sent to all absent student families is 10am
- Details of communication will be logged on BROMCOM and if appropriate CPOMs
The RED process is as follows:
- A phone call to be made by 10am
- Attendance officer to run ‘Commented Attendance Report’ at 10.05am and to start home visits.
- Home visits to be completed by 11:45am
The following criteria will be used alongside professional judgement to define the RAG ratings of our pupils.
Authorisation from the headteacher must be gained when considering moving students from red criteria down to green.
Student focus group | Definition | School Attendance Action |
RED** *** T&W – Complex/Acute | LAC, CSE, CCE, Social Workers, CP Plan, S47 Investigation, Mental Health linked to suicide risk | Daily face to face e.g video or home visit with parent/carer and pupil Contact linked agencies |
AMBER** T&W - Vulnerable | Persistent absentees, working with external agency, family concern, EWO/AST (Attendance Support Team) involvement, Police investigation, | Daily verbal contact with parent/carer Face to face every 3 days of absence with parent and pupil |
GREEN T&W - Universal
| Remit of School staff | Daily verbal contact with parent/carer Face to face a minimum of once every 5 days of absence with parent/carer and pupil School systems and strategies to be used and impact monitored |
** Use LA threshold guidance and ensure all associated professionals are aware.
*** All pupils identified as RAG RED will have a full risk assessment (APPENDIX 3)
Daily attendance RAG review meeting will be held at 10.30am with the Headteacher, Deputy DSL, and Attendance Lead to assess safeguarding risk and escalate as required.
*KIT= Keeping in touch visits
- Parents are requested to call school every day of absence.
- Parental failure to contact school will result in phone calls being made every day of absence. Absence days will be recorded cumulatively, and RAG rules applied.
- Note: The exception to this is the 48hrs recovery period for sickness, however, if it is felt that it is appropriate to call on the second day, a call will be made to promote attendance on the third day