Data Sharing
Data sharing
We do not share information about pupils with any third party without consent unless the law and our policies allow us to do so.
Where it is legally required, or necessary (and it complies with data protection law) we may share personal information about pupils with:
- Our local authority – to meet our legal obligations to share certain information with it, such as safeguarding concerns and exclusions
- The Department for Education
- The pupil’s family and representatives
- Educators and examining bodies
- Our regulator Ofsted
- Suppliers and service providers – to enable them to provide the service we have contracted them for:
- Bromcom – MIS
- Connect Childcare - Management system for Nursery and KidzCove
- OTrack – Assessment Data analysis
- CPOMS – safeguarding management system
- Inventry – Electronic signing in system
- EYPortal – Nursery eligibility checker
- Nationwide – Catering system
- Telford & Wrekin Attendance Support
- PrimarySite – School website and App
- Central and local government
Online Educational Support Services, such as;
- My Book Club
- DoJo
- Duke of York Award
- Oxford Reading Buddy
- Time Table Rock Stars
- Ed Arcade
- Our auditors
- Health authorities
- Health and social welfare organisations
- Professional advisers and consultants
- Police forces, courts, tribunals
- Professional bodies
National Pupil Database
We are required to provide information about pupils to the Department for Education as part of statutory data collections such as the school census.
Some of this information is then stored in the National Pupil Database (NPD), which is owned and managed by the Department and provides evidence on school performance to inform research.
The database is held electronically so it can easily be turned into statistics. The information is securely collected from a range of sources including schools, local authorities and exam boards.
The Department for Education may share information from the NPD with other organisations which promote children’s education or wellbeing in England. Such organisations must agree to strict terms and conditions about how they will use the data.
For more information, see the Department’s webpage on how it collects and shares research data.
You can also contact the Department for Education with any further questions about the NPD.