In year transfers
Children Transferring into and from Schools in Telford & Wrekin and Other Local Authorities
The LA Admissions Team co-ordinate all school transfers and an ‘in year’ transfer application should be completed by the parent online. The parent will need to use the Telford & Wrekin website./admissions to complete an online application form. This can be found under ‘Changing schools – how do I apply’.
The LA Admissions Team should be notified of all pupils transferring to schools outside Telford & Wrekin, using the A/D1 form. The LA will then liaise with the Authority in the area the child is transferring to. Schools should not remove a child from their roll until the deletion is agreed by the admissions team.
The Attendance Officer will track children that have not been admitted into an alternative school after four school weeks. Schools will need to complete Child Missing Education form and submit it to
Guidance is available in ‘Protocol for Identifying and Maintaining Contact with Children Missing Education’
These forms should not be completed for those pupils who are subject to whole cohort transfers during normal transition (Reception, between infant and junior school and primary to secondary school).
Schools should not delay making a referral if they have a concern for the wellbeing of the child.