NAP - Nominated Attendance Person
The Role of the Nominated Attendance Person
The NAP drives the daily mechanics of our attendance system whilst being the frontline to our families. The key priority is the management of BROMCOM to secure accurate attendance in school and provide quality information, quickly to staff for those not in attendance. The management of information will then become high level communication with leadership to action routine strategies. It is vitally important that the NAP is able to track individual attendance and escalate through to potential court proceeding by working closely with the EWO and AST. In addition, highlighting attendance patterns and trends through the analysis of data is fundamental to our proactive approach.
The key principles and priorities of our NAP are as follows:
- Ensuring daily registers are completed accurately
- Administration of daily first contact procedures
- Ensuring attendance data supports daily safeguarding meeting
- Producing of data as set out in this document to be able to examine daily, weekly, Biweekly, termly and annual attendance patterns
- Follow escalation systems that may lead to legal procedures from SAL approach through to AST processes.