Analysis of Attendance
Analysis of Attendance Data
Millbrook Primary School recognises that the use of effective data will support the drive to improve attendance at an individual level alongside year groups.
At individual pupil level,
The school will regularly monitor attendance to identify regular patterns of non-attendance that may reveal, for example, an association with certain subjects, teachers or activities. Such analysis can also draw attention to the deterioration or improvement in the attendance of individual pupils. The analysis can help to target intervention more selectively and help to establish the cause of an absence.
The school will also monitor the attendance of key groups. In doing so, we will identify specific groups of pupils whereby a targeted approach may be necessary. These groups will be linked to our own pupil characteristics but is likely to include pupil-premium pupils and non pupil-premium pupils, gender, pupils who speak English as an additional language, and those who speak English as a First Language.
Continuous analysis of individual pupil’s attendance and of the whole school will give scope to strategic planning. By identifying those levels which the schoolo considers are indicators of persistent absenteeism or irregular attendance, it will be possible to identify the extent of the problem.
We will provide the following data quickly
- General attendance – Overall, year group, tutor, house, individual
- Analysis of general attendance by subgroup – PP, EAL, Gender, SEND, Band
- RAG system student attendance – Red/amber/green attendance
- Sub 95%, 91% to 89%, Sub 90%, Sub 85%, PA Specific (Student number & % with half termly improvement reports)
- Individual response to SAL letters (3-week specific data)
- Methods of highlighting trends/patterns
- coded absence, broken down into a class and/or year group format, would allow identification of excessive unauthorised absences.