Procedures for Agreed Extended Absence
Procedures for Agreed (Extended) Absence
The procedures and timeline for intervention regarding extended visits are detailed in the flow charts included in Appendix 5a & 5b.
The letters referred to in the timeline are included in Appendices 6a, 6b and 6c should be issued on school headed paper.
Please contact for advice regarding pupils returning to the UK without a school place.
Please be aware that parents may need to consider that Countries they are travelling too may be subject to further restrictions at short notice under the Covid-19 legislation.
Unless otherwise stated, actions detailed should be taken by the school. The school has a responsibility to monitor closely the attendance of any pupil who has been granted extended absence.
Maximising the Educational Opportunities of Visits
When schools and parents/families meet to agree the extended absence contract, they should discuss ways in which pupils can be helped to derive maximum educational benefit from the visit.