The school culture
The profile of attendance and its importance must be evident in school at all times. The culture of attendance has to be of the highest profile to ensure our children understand the intrinsic link between good attendance, safety and future life choices.
As a result, the school has the following expectations:
Expectations of in school actions to improve and incentivise attendance |
Essential | Desirable |
- All parents are made aware of their child’s current attendance percentage
- Attendance action plans are in place for those pupils in category red
- Poor punctuality challenged through a range of strategies
- Posters in key areas to promote good attendance
- Weekly newsletter includes information on whole school attendance levels
- Half termly attendance focused newsletter to promote good attendance, time keeping and support available
- letters of congratulations, certificates for good/improved attendance which may be taken home
- Good and improved attendance recognised and celebrated in assembly
- Attendance rewards, certificates, pencils, individual dojo points/house points
- Termly and annual attendance prizes for pupils and families
- class rewards for the class with the most improved and highest attendance.
- attendance recorded on pupil reports and discussed at parent consultations with positive comments for effort
- Attendance Concern Meetings in school, inviting parents to attend a meeting specifically to discuss their child’s school attendance.
| - Sending letters to parents of new pupils after the first possible 100 attendances with special praise both for those with 100% attendance and for those with no avoidable absences, and recognising & rewarding improved attendance where there is a history of poor attendance
- sending children to senior members of staff for commendation for efforts made towards improvement as well as for full attendance,