Intorduction, Philosophy and Principles
At Millbrook Primary School we work closely with our families to promote an ethos of good attendance and personal safety, however, parents are responsible by law for ensuring the regular and punctual attendance of their children. Parents should familiarise themselves with this attendance policy and should work closely with School staff to overcome any problems which may affect their child's attendance.
Millbrook Primary School is committed to providing a full and efficient educational experience to all pupils. We believe that, if pupils are to benefit from education, punctuality and good attendance is crucial.
At Millbrook Primary School attendance is far more than just an academic consideration. We understand the characteristics of our pupils and the makeup of our whole school community, as a result, our daily attendance procedures and processes are fundamental in safeguarding pupils.
We will organise and do all we can to ensure maximum attendance for all pupils to ensure that they are safe and achieve their full potential. Any problems that impede the safety, punctuality and regular attendance of pupils will be identified and addressed as quickly as possible.
We recognise that we may have to change parents and pupil’s views on attendance, and our incentives and reward system focuses on both family and pupil gains. We will actively celebrate small successes which in turn will promote and embed long term changes. We understand that small attendance gains are the building blocks that will help improve overall pupil outcomes.
Millbrook Primary School will actively promote and encourage small attendance gains whilst aspiring all pupils to achieve 100 per cent attendance.
We understand the need to establish strong home-school links, and recognise the importance of an effective communication system where parents can report absences and address any attendance concerns.
We will give a high priority to promoting the importance of regular and punctual attendance to parents and pupils.
Where a problem that may affect a pupil’s attendance is identified we will investigate and work with parents, pupils and outside agencies where appropriate to resolve any problems as quickly and efficiently as possible.
We will adopt a clear, focused, cohesive approach to ensure that pupils attendance levels remain high.
Every child has a right to access the education to which he/she is entitled. Parents and teachers share the responsibility of ensuring each pupil’s attendance is 95% and above, and that any unjustified and unauthorised absenteeism is kept to a minimum.
Millbrook Primary will:
- ensure that all staff are aware of the registration procedures and receive training on registration regulations and associated education law,
- complete registers accurately at the beginning of each morning and during the afternoon session,
- stress to parents/carers the importance of contacting school early on the first day of absence,
- display attendance levels around the school and reward good and improved attendance of all pupils,
- offer additional support to pupils returning after an absence,
- consult with members of the school community and the Attendance Support Team in developing and maintaining the whole-school attendance policy,
- ensure regular evaluation of attendance procedures by senior managers and the school governors,
- send regular newsletters to parents and pupils informing them of attendance levels and related issues, additionally maintain and update information on the school website with any attendance related issues,
- work towards ensuring that all pupils and families feel supported and valued. We will send a clear message that, if a pupil is absent, she/he will be missed,
- have in place procedures which allow absentees to catch up on missed work without disrupting the learning of other class members, consider remote learning opportunities where necessary,
- take responsibility for Children not Receiving Education (CNRE), so that school are in regular contact with the pupil and parent, ensuring the pupils safety, working together so that the pupil can resume full time education,
- monitor and regularly review those pupils subject to a modified timetable, ensuring it is a short-term intervention and have a clear plan for reintegration back into full time attendance at school.