Outcome of poor attendance
Outcome of poor attendance (Specific pupil levels)
Stage A
We believe that it is important to have high expectations and use national formal processes to support and improve attendance.
As a result, pupils under 95% will be reviewed and a decision made if School Attendance Letters (SAL) SAL 1 is appropriate (Areas to consider: point in academic year, illness etc…). It will be the decision of the NAP (Nominated Attendance Person) to send the SAL 1 to parents where attendance is identified as a concern.
School pastoral support officers will work with parents, carers and pupils to look at effective and achievable improvement targets
Success Criteria – Attendance moves to 95% within the 3-week period of monitoring and support (From issue date of SAL 1 letter to the 3-week period end date)
Stage B
The decision to escalate to a SAL 2 letter should be decided at the end of the 3-week period following the issuing of the SAL 1.
for a SAL2 letter is the failure of a pupil’s attendance to improve to 95% by the end of the 3 week period after the issue of the SAL 1 or for pupils who’s attendance drops below 90%.
The Attendance Officer and EWO may also move pupils to SAL 2 before their attendance drops below 90% if they see no improvement within the first 2 weeks following the issue of SAL 1.
Poor attending pupils moving in from a previous school needs to show ‘Sufficient’ improvement since moving from their previous setting.
The Attendance Officer and EWO are expected to be fully aware of individual pupil issue. The school will expect the Education Welfare Officer (EWO), to provide and enforce further actions.
At this stage, the pupil will automatically become AMBER on the RAG system.
Stage C
As soon as stage B is accessed the following action must be immediately implemented:
- Parents/carers will be invited into school for a compulsory ‘Attendance Concern Meeting’ This meeting should include a senior member of staff, parent, pupil and the NAP and/or EWO. The aim of this meeting will be to identify and resolve the difficulties which are preventing the pupil from attending school. The parents/carers will be made aware of the legal requirements regarding school attendance.
- Where a pupil is returning to school after an absence longer than two weeks, the school will support the pupil’s re-integration.
- In the event of a pupil returning after a long-term absence then a ‘Reintegration Plan’ may be implemented. The plan should include all associated staff members and will be designed to support the individual needs of the pupil. 3-week review prior to escalation to AST (Attendance Support Team)
- The school will always aim to provide Early Help advice and support to the family, where appropriate, an Early Help Assessment will be undertaken and a referral to Strengthening Families made if it is felt the family would benefit from additional support.
In order to ensure the success of this policy every member of the school staff will make attendance a priority and convey to the pupils the importance of their education and attainment.