Roles & Responsibilities
The governing board
The governing board has overall responsibility for approving the charging and remissions policy, but can delegate this to a committee, an individual governor or the headteacher.
The governing board also has overall responsibility for monitoring the implementation of this policy. Responsibility for approving the charging and remissions policy has been delegated to the Headteacher. Monitoring the implementation of this policy has been delegated to the Business Manager.
The headteacher is responsible for ensuring staff are familiar with the charging and remissions policy, and that it is being applied consistently.
Staff are responsible for:
- Implementing the charging and remissions policy consistently
- Notifying the headteacher of any specific circumstances which they are unsure about or where they are not certain if the policy applies
The school will provide staff with appropriate training in relation to this policy and its implementation.
Parents are expected to notify staff or the headteacher of any concerns or queries regarding the charging and remissions policy.