Leave in Term Time Absence Policy
This Telford & Wrekin Council LA Policy Statement has been developed within the context of the national and local priority of raising the educational achievement and attainment of pupils.
Guidelines with regard to travelling children are different. Please seek guidance from the Advisory Teacher for EHE & GRT - Tel: 01952 381002.
Leave in term time which results in significant absence from school, is disruptive to the child’s education and has a detrimental impact on attainment.
The purpose of this policy statement is to provide updated guidance on procedures to be followed by schools to manage absence in term time.
A number of factors indicated the need to introduce the policy:
- Government evidence on underachieving groups of pupils, particularly those from minority ethnic groups, and LAs responses to this, indicate a national trend in reducing the number of weeks deemed acceptable for an extended absence.
- The Telford & Wrekin Council Attendance Policy (Revised 2020) supports the LA’s view that parents should be made more aware of the official regulations and legislation about absence in term time including holidays.
In order for the policy to succeed, it is essential that it is formally adopted and implemented by schools’ governing bodies and shared with pupils, families and the wider community.